We Support

A Percentage of our profit is donated to the Joyful Heart Foundation.

Their mission is to transform society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end this violence forever.

Joyful Heart is a national organization paving the way for innovative approaches to treating trauma, initiating a shift in the way the public responds to sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse, and reforming and advancing policies and legislation to ensure justice for survivors.

One of the techniques used by Joyful Heart is to practice aromatherapy using natural scents such as lavender, chamomile, rose and sandalwood as part of a holistic healing approach to healing. By incorporating scents shown to improve moods and increase relaxation, they are able to employ all the senses into the act of healing. Participants also leave programs with a better understanding of how to use aromatherapy to help create a calm, soothing environment on their own.



Monthly Recurring:


Joyful Heart Foundation.


Emergency Service:


We donated 10,000 N95 Masks to Hospitals. We are proud that our small team was able to dedicate all of our time and resources to providing some aid to hospitals of America.